When is my wedding
Wedding Ticker from WhenIsMyWedding.com

Monday, August 17, 2009


So for all of you who really know me you know that I tend to giggle a lot! If you didn't know that I giggle a lot you don't really know me! lol! I giggle at everything! Well last night I got the giggles so so bad! I don't even remember why. Me and my friend Bridget were sitting on my love sac just laughing out of control at everything and anything! Ha I think my roommate Kira was getting annoyed cause our little giggles turned into really hard loud laughter for like 2 1/2 hours straight! Ha ha! It was seriously the best night ever! So thanks Bridget for making me laugh so hard and thanks Kira for not killing us for being so loud! I'm gonna make a work out video where you just laugh the whole time! Cause it is a work out! lol! I think me and Bridget probably both have sore abbs today! lol! Anyways I just love having the giggles! It makes everyday amazing!!!!!


Travis and Bridget Shumaker said...

oh man. that was a great night. i loved that we both had the giggles. cuz when i'm giggly you're grumpy or mad. when you have the giggles i'm grumpy or tired. but sunday was perfect. i loved it. i wish it lasted longer actually!!!! hahahah. :) oh i loved it and lets do that more often. love ya girl!!

kira lee said...

wow....and then last night WE had the giggles...you are going to have some rock hard abs :)