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Friday, April 10, 2009


So today hasn't been the greatest day. I woke up after pushing my snooze 3 times so I rushed to get ready for work. I went and turned my car on to let it warm up before I drove it. And when I went to get in it to leave for work all I could smell was gas. So thankfully my dad thought I was a boy when I was younger and taught me a little about cars. So I left the car on and popped the hood to see if I could see a gas leak. And what do you know there was one. So I hurried and turned the car off so I wouldnt like blow up or anything. And then called rachelle to get a ride to work. Thankfully she was able to come get me and take me to work. Then work was annoying. My first client was cool but then my second client was like 10 minutes late. Which is freakn annoying. Then one of the front desk girls who is so annoying pulled me aside and tried to make me go the full time on the client who was late even though I was ready on time he just came late! I was annoyed and of course just because she said I should give him the full time I didn't. Ha. I'm a brat but it's annoying when clients are late. Anyways then my 3rd client was cool. He's a regular and talks sports with me. So it fun. But then they switched my schedule around cause a therapist was refusing to do a 1 1/2 hour pre natal massage. So they decided to give it to me. Which is fine. i don't mind giving pre natals even though they are sorta boring. But the lady was all grumpy and telling me what to do. Which annoys me too. Anyways she wanted me to go deep on her even though she was pregnant. I told her I would but then didn't lol I am so mean. But she loved the massage and so yeah! Anyways then over a text I was told that someone thought I was dumb. OH well right? It wouldnt bother me if I wouldnt have already had a bad day or if it wasnt coming from someone who I really wish to someday be friends with. Anyways then I got home and scott helped me take out the part of the car that was leaking. Now I am just chilling waiting to go hang out with friends. Hopefully my day gets better!


Heather K said...

Sounds like an annoying day and that you woke up on the wrong side of the bed too. I hate car problems they are stresful! I love you and hope you do something fun tonight!

Elise said...

:( that sucks, but usually a bad day or a couple bad days, a good one comes, so just look for that good day. it'll get you though.lol. i'm a freak. anyways...are you coming with heather or not?? i hope so but i doubt it. anywho love ya...

camille said...

:( I hate those days! Where everything just goes wrong and everyone else is just annoying haha! Remember that book about the kid that has a bad day that we use to have hehe! No good, very bad day!

kira lee said...

my friday was terrible too!

The Stangers said...

I miss you so much! I am sorry you had a bad day, but I am really glad you didn't take any crap from anybody. Call me when you get a chance. PLEASE.