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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

BAH!!! I'M ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!

So I figured that I should blog about this weekend. It kind of was one of the best and most important weekends of my life! So Nolan got released from his mission on December 2nd. Yeah that was only 20 days ago. He called me that Sunday the 6th and we talked on the phone form 9:30pm to 4 am. Our longest conversation in high school was like 4 hours. But it was so good. We just hit it off. It was so good. We've been talking on the phone every day and texting constantly. So tuesday or wednesday he talk to his mom and they decided to get him a plane ticket to come see me. Which freak I was so excited for! So he flew in on wednesday the 16th and was staying till yesterday monday the 21st. I was so nervous to see him. I mean hello I hadn't seen him in 20 months. Nolan has a way of making things not awkward. Which is what I was afraid of. But there was never an awkward moment the whole weekend. It went so good. Better then either of us could have imagined. We stayed busy all week doing thing to get to know eachother again. But after knowing eachother for 5 years it was pretty easy. Seriously within about 10 minutes of picking him up from the airport I had totally fallen for him. I am a very indepent girl and so it was hard for me to let him take car of me this week. Now that I am finally comfortable with it and love it he left. But just till January 9th. Anyways our weekend was so fun. We did early morning baptisms and went to the ysa multi stake acitivity and lots of parties and a reception. It was a really busy weekend but so good. Thursday after baptisms nolan and I and actually on of my friends went to just "show" nolan the style of ring that I like. And one thing lead to another and we had gotten a ring. My friend said both of us looked like deer in headlights. lol. The ring was supposed to get sized and be ready by monday. But he called the jewelery store a million times and got the ring saturday without me knowing. Thank heavens for rachelle and scotts help. They went and picked up the ring while me and nolan were at lunch. After lunch we had decided to go to this little fondue restaraunt called Mona Lisa for dessert. I knew something was up when the lady walked us up to this little sucluded room upstairs. It was called lovers lane. It actually was so super cute. Nolan was getter nervous and I was like hold crap. Like having that heart beat that goes 1,000 times a minute. lol. He couldnt even wait till after the fondue came. It was so cute to see him so nervous and then how it changed to a huge smile after I said yes and he had put the ring on my finger. I sure have fallen in love with him. And I am so excited to spend the rest of eternity with him. We have been thinking about dates and we keep going back to April 30th in the mesa temple. but that isnt set in stone until we find out his school schedule this semester. I know that this was fast and that people think we are a little crazy but every single person that has seen us together knows it is right. And the most important part is that we do. Without a doubt both of us know that this is what is supposed to happen. I am thankful for my family and his family support. I loved all the reactions!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Just my thought for the day!

The last couple of weeks for me have been very emotional and crazy. I've been really focusing on the temple and preparing myself for the blessing to come someday there. I am getting to the age where the temple is becoming my focus. I have thought a lot about a mission lately. Not that I am going to go but I think in the next year or so it will certainly be an option. My bishop has been helping me with some of the feelings that come with the temple and he has been helping me realize that I am good enough to go when the time is right. I got a new calling a couple of months ago that has really helped me in my spiritual growth. I teach the 4th sunday lesson in relief society. It is on a talk from general conference that the bishop chooses. And so far it has been amazing. And it has really helped me grow. But I just got another calling too. I havent been sustained so SHHH!! lol But I am now the Activities chairman again. I had this calling for about a year and got released about 5 months ago. But just got called back in. I have really mixed feelings but I am trying to trust the lord. The future is scaring me and I am not sure how to deal with it. My friend bridget will be back from school for a while in January and I am so thankful for that. Cause she always reminds me that everything will be ok. And that it's nothing to be scared about! I think 2010 us going to be a good year for me with lots of changes. Maybe a mission or a new place to live or marriage! It all scares me but I trust the lord and it will be ok. Anyways thouse are just my thoughts! Have a good day!

Visiting my two Best Buddies!

I had a really good weekend! I went up to see my friend Bridget in Rexburg at BYU I and Annie decided to come too and see me! It was a really good weekend! I hadnt seen Annie since May and I always love seeing bridget! Annie came and stayed the night with me at My friend Lindsay's! Who I loved seeing too. And she is having a boy!! Thanks lindsay for letting us crash your house and taking me to craft shows and stores! I will be crafty someday! Anyways it was a good weekend. Me bridget and Annie had a crazy photo shoot friday night which I will post and then the rest of the weekend was spent with bridget and lindsay and craft shows, watching bridget rock the byu i volleyball court and going to the temple. My friend Hailee drove up with me and came to the temple with us. I love the picuters! The temple is amazing there! It is HUGE! It was a great weekend and a good get away! Thanks everyone!
I decided I'd start with some normal pictures! I love this picture cause me and bridget can't take a normal picture together! Not because of me! BRIDGET!! lol! But I actually love this one!
I love this picture! Hailee snapped this! I was freezing so Bridget was warming me up! Rexburg is a lot colder then Nampa!

Me and Bridget! Nice Poses eh?

I like this! A picture of the full temple with me and bridget!

Bridget me and Hailee! This temple is amazing!

Bridget me and Hailee again!

Probably my favorite picture of the whole weekend!

I think this one was acting constipated but I started laughing!

This one is I think the face we wold make on a roller coaster!

The face we'd make when I hot guy comes in the room! This is explains why me and bridget are single and Annie isn't! Ha ha!

Just some crazy faces!

More faces!

Check out bridgets eyes! Oh I love her faces!

We're retarded!
One of the strangest feelings I have ever felt was when my arizona life collided with my Idaho life! It's weird to have your Arizona best friend and your Idaho Best friend both be with you! I mean I loved it but it was a strange feeling! Love you girls!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Thank You!

I have had a lot on my mind the last weekend. And so if everyone doesn't mind I would like to share with everyone what I have thought about this week. If you do mind then just dont read this post ha ha. I was thinking alot about my life. And what has happened so far for me. Bad things, good things, funny things, just the whole works. Then I started thinking about certain people in my life that have made it possible for me to get through my trials. People who have changed my life for the better. So I just wanted to tell you all about a few of those people. I'm not going to use my syblings cause I hope they all know what they have done for me. And if you dont make this list and think you should don't be offended. These are just the people I have been thinking about lately and who I owe a few thank you's to. Ok here we go.....
Grandma Higginbotham- If you all didnt know I was blessed with the most amazing grandma in the world. When mom was sick grandma would be at our house bright and early to get us off to school. She would make dinner and fold laundry and everything. After mom died she was there for us the whole time. She is the best example of charity I can think of and I am so thankful for her. Her example has made me want to be a better person. Thank you grandma! My family owes you so much!!
Aunt Amy(Shumaker)- I should just put her down as mom. Because out of everyone in my life this lady is the one that has stepped in and been the mother figure too me. She stuck with me through everything. She was there in the darkest times of my life. She'd let me live with her when I wasn't getting along with my parents. And we'd sit down and try to figure out how to be more respectful to my parents but at the same time keep vanessa happy. When travis and leah were in quartet my freshman and sophomore years aunt amy would take them to school and I would go early with them so me and amy could have Vanessa and Aunt Amy time. I can honestly say she was the one person who did the most to help pull me out of my depression stage and realize life was going to be ok without my mother. Thank aunt amy! I love you and I am so thankful for all the times you put me first before probably your own family. And thanks to her kids and Uncle Greg for letting me borrow your mom for a while! I love you all and I am so glad our families are so close!!!
Annie Kartchner- Me and Annie became friends during softball season of my 7th grade year. Which was like october I think. It was just perfect timing. Heavenly Father sure does know what is best. Me and Annie had become best friends by the time my mom died. And I am so thankful for that. She helped me through so much. She was the one with me constantly keeping me happy and my mind off of everything. She was my support in sports when no one else showed up. And she still is one of my greatest friends ever. I still call and cry to her about a lot of things. Like having to change singles wards or boys that break my heart lol! Thanks annie for always being there! Love you lots!
Serena Neider- Serena was my first friend here in Idaho. I was really confused about life when I moved here. I wasnt sure if I had made the right decision to move here and was really debating moving back to arizona when serena showed up. She helped me let loose and realize it is ok to have fun even when life isnt going perfect. So thank you serena for helping me grow up and make life fun! I love your guts!
Bridget Nielson- Me and Bridget just met this last summer. She was still in highschool getting ready to graduate and I was in the singles ward in her stake. We met at Family Home Evening and we've been friends ever since. She's taught me to learn to trust people. That it is ok for me to open up. The lord sends people to help us and we need to use them. She's helped me open up and talk about some of my feelings that I never ever have talked about. I have really matured in the last 4 months. She also taught me that is ok to let people spoil you. I am usually the one to spoil people. I love giving people stuff just cause it makes them happy. But I learned that it is ok to accept things from other people and let them make me happy for a change! Thank you Bridget for everything! Love you so much Puentita!
This is just a few of the people that have helped me in my life. I just want to thank everyone else! And I am sure there will be more to come. The lord is amazing and knows what I need in life and sends people everytime! Thank you again for helping me become the woman that I am! I LOVE YOU ALL!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Birthday+Camping= Best weekend ever!

So the weekend of my birthday me and three of my friends took a little trip to the mountains for a few days! It was so fun!
The camping started out trying to set up the tent. Which was way harder then it should be. Lol. After about an hour and a half we decided to ask Heidi's dad to help us. Thank heavens we had a guy there cause we would have been tentless. lol!

After a delicious dinner that heidi's dad made for us, dutch oven bbq chicken and potatoes and peach cobbler with candles for me to blow out, and then a good nights rest lol yeah right we took a hike to Boiling springs.

I was pretty excited for the hike at first.

But by the time we made it to the springs I was ready to be done. Even though we had the hike back!

We had such dirty bums when we got there we had to take a picture. The last part of the climb down to the springs was pretty steep so we had to slide on our bums! lol!

When we finally got to the springs we changed into our swimsuits and swam for a while! I was so fun! There was a freezing creek next to the springs so it was fun to go back and forth. It was totally worth the hike! lol!

We found this awesome hollow log on the hike back! Which the hike back was beautiful and I loved every second of it!

Here is one of me Heidi and Bridget on the hollow log. I think kira is taking the picture!

After the hike we came back and rode quads (or 4 wheelers for the Idaho girls) for a few hours. It was so fun! Kira let me drive the whole time and I loved it! Heidi knew the trail so she was a lot faster then me cause I am a very careful driver if I am not comfortable. But it was so fun and I think kira was glad I was safe! I love it!

The best part of the quad ride was when we got to the look out! It was amazing! Totally breath taking! It was amazing to sit and have everything in sight be things that our Heavenly father placed there. There is just an amazing spirit in the mountains and I felt it very strong! I felt very thankful for the three girls I went with. It is so good to have such good friends. Friends who you never have to be worried with. Cause you always know you will be doing something fun yet to church standards. All of them are going to college or moving to arizona and I am going to miss them all! Thanks for the fun girls! It was an amazing weekend. Love you all!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Boot Camp!!!

So I was talking to Leah on the phone last night as she drove home from St.David and I was telling her how I want a flat stomach and a smaller butt. But that I needed some motivation to get started. So she says she is putting me through boot camp! lol! And yes Leah is totally addicted to working out and running and she admits she is going to be a nazi! lol! I'm a little scared! jk! I'm kind of lazy when it comes to working out so I hope my "nazi" sister can keep me motivated lol! Love you leah!

Monday, August 17, 2009


So for all of you who really know me you know that I tend to giggle a lot! If you didn't know that I giggle a lot you don't really know me! lol! I giggle at everything! Well last night I got the giggles so so bad! I don't even remember why. Me and my friend Bridget were sitting on my love sac just laughing out of control at everything and anything! Ha I think my roommate Kira was getting annoyed cause our little giggles turned into really hard loud laughter for like 2 1/2 hours straight! Ha ha! It was seriously the best night ever! So thanks Bridget for making me laugh so hard and thanks Kira for not killing us for being so loud! I'm gonna make a work out video where you just laugh the whole time! Cause it is a work out! lol! I think me and Bridget probably both have sore abbs today! lol! Anyways I just love having the giggles! It makes everyday amazing!!!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


So I dont have pictures of my week but I'll steal some of bridgets later when she gets hers up. Anyways our Singles ward every year takes us on a big activity every summer. Last year we went to twin and walked through the twin falls temple open house then slept in tents and then rafted the snake river. Well this year we had a two night three day trip. First thursday morning we all met at the temple for a baptism session at 8:30. I always love doing baptisms with my ward it's just a different feeling then going by yourself and joining another ward. It was really realize what good friends I have. And the fact that we can just go do baptisms on any of the open baptisms sessions and all my friends can come! I love it! I love the people of idaho! lol! Anyways the whole ward took a charter bus up to the cabins but me and Bridget had family things on saturday that we needed to be back for so we drove together separate. It was a really good drive. We play the question game which is so fun. We didnt turn on the radio at all the drive there or back. So basically I know ever weird funny detail of bridget and she knows them about me. lol! It was super fun! So we got to cascade and made foil dinners which rocked! Loved them. Then we went on a night hike with the whole ward. they blindfolded us and walked us through the forest. Then we ended with having to listen to the holy spirit instead of the bad ones and ended at the tree of life with the bishop there to give us a hug at the end. It was awesome. Like I cried during our little testimony thing after! It was great! Then the next morning we had a morning side and we all had the opportunity to go read our scriptures for a half hour. It was a good time for me to really focus on myself and my trials. it was great. Then we all got ready for the lake! It was so freakn awesome! I really am not a water person. In fact I hate water. I just dont swim very well. But it was so fun. We all just played in the lake forever. Then I finally got the courage to go on the boat and try to water ski. I had been water skiing once with the browns a long time ago. But hadnt been since. And it was so fun! I never got up all the way. But no one else did either. My bishop said it was cause the boat was slow. But it was fun to try. I got up just couldnt stay up. lol! But I would totally go again! So fun! The only bad part was that I am sort of really white and burn so easy. And so I think I may have the worst sunburn I've ever had. I'm peeling so bad now! It's so gross! lol! Anyways after the lake we just all hung out till the dutch oven dinner was ready! Oh it was so good! Then me and Bridget drove home together! It was once again a really good drive! Lots of talking. And laughing and lots of candy! It was a good weekend. Its good to just get away from our normal lives and just be up in the mountains for a few days! Loved it!

Monday, July 27, 2009


So saturday I had just got to work when my boss text me and asked if I could go down to the Journey concert to massage the band. I was so excited! Of course I said yes. I was so excited at work that I could hardly contain myself. But I had to cause I had a full day of work ahead of me. After work the first thing I did was went to the Reel Theater to tell bridget! I couldnt tell her over a text. It had to be in person! So as I sat waiting for the theater to slow down enough for her to talk to me I called travis and told him all about it! Bridget kept looking at me like you are crazy what do you have to tell me. I was like freaking out! So when she finally got a second I like yelled it at her! I couldnt hold it in anymore. Thankfully she can deal with my craziness and got super excited! Which made me even more excited. So thanks for being so excited bridget! Then of course I had to call all my family! It was exciting! So I wasnt nervous at all until I started getting dressed sunday morning. I got a belt and even tucked in my work shirt to look more professional. By the time if was time for me to leave I was so nervous I thought I was going to puke! But bridget talked me through it. lol! My boss met me at the taco bell arena where the concert was and the first thing we did was tour Journey's dressing room. It was crazy! Like drapes and mirrors everywhere with like Buddha things on them. I dont know if it was Buddha but some statue thing sitting like Buddha! There was candles lit everywhere too. It was crazy! Then they showed us to the room I'd be in. Which was totally ghetto. They like just pulled out all the chairs from the room they are stored in and hung some black drapes up and threw a rug down for me to put my table on. But it was ok because it was like right by Journey's dressing room! So we set up the table and got all ready. But only one of the band members were there the rest were still at the hotel. So they said we could just wander around. We went into the main area where Neal Schon was sitting just jammin on a guitar. It was awesome. Seriously he is my hero now. Like he was just talking to people but his fingers were going crazy and all you could hear was the his guitar blasting through all of the speakers! I was in awe! So we just walked around for a while. Then my boss had to leave. I was nervous to be alone but it turned out ok. Journey's manager came up to me to let me know that the band wouldnt be here till 8 so I was just gonna massage the crew members that wanted one. Then Neal Schon walked down the hall. The manager was like hold on and yelled "Neal do you want a massage?" He was like Oh yeah and started coming over. So he shook my hand and came into my room but then was like actually I dont have time. I have to get to the hotel. I was like dang it! lol. But he said thanks though and left. But I got to meet him lol. Anyways the rest of the night I just massaged the crew while I was waiting for Journey to get there. When they arrived it was crazy! Cause their dressing room was right by mine. The drummer Steve Smith passed me and smiled and nodded at me but I didnt do anything. I was like in shock lol! I just stood there. Rachelle says she can picture the face I made! ha ha. Then they all went in there room. Then the band Heart walked in. The lead guitar, bass guitar, and drummer walked passed me and were like oh can we get a massage. I was like heck yes lol but they were like we wish but they have us on a stricked schedule! lol. Anyways the band showed up late so I didnt get to massage them. But the whole thing was totally cool and super worth it! They told me I could just wander so I basically watched the whole heart concert and some of Journey's. The lady from heart has some pipes. Let me tell you that lady can sing! Right before Journey went on Steve Smith their drummer was walking the hall with drum sticks drumming on the wall. It was so crazy! He is so good! All I could think of is that my dad would have loved that. Anyways it was a really good experience! I didnt get any autographs or pictures but it was still totally worth it! So I took a few pictures. I'll explain eachone!
This was right after meeting Neal Schon! lol I was pretty happy!
This is the stage sideways!
This sign was on my door! My boss told me to grab it before I left so I did and its in my apartment now!
The ghetto little room they set me up in!
Next the Journey's door!

This is Steve Smith Jamming on the walls in the hall! I snuck a picture. Blow it up you can see it better. He's not the first guy leaning on the wall. He is the guy in the back playing on both walls! So so Cool!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My crazy life!

So I have been doing some crazy things lately! I dont have pictures of all of them! But the ones I do have pictures of are softball for FHE some late night AppleBee runs and other crazy things! This summer has been fun so far! I love softball but thought I had gottan old and fat. So I am glad we just played slow pitch. I forgot how easy it is to slam that ball ha ha. But harder to run after hitting it. Needless to say I forgot that some of my muscles existed. lol! But it was a fun night. Then we played basketball the same night. So I was really sore. I went down to eagle island with heather and her kids and rachelle. It was super fun. I usually dont like water cause I dont swim well but it was fun! So here are a few pictures that make me laugh.

Me and my Favorite Bridget!!! YUP!

Bridget me and Kira trying to catch the Mountain dew at the drive in movie!

Hailee Kira Me and Bridget at applebee's! Love that place

Kira and me in our softball outfits!

Thats right!! lol!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Ode to a Moldy Mole!

It was a quarter to nine when I stepped in
I didn't want to be there is that a sin?
Cause I was at work on a Saturday
but I decided I should probably stay.
Sometimes my job can be a little gross
but I figured I had probably already seen the worst
until a man walked in around 80 years old
and the last thing I thought I'd see would be mold!
He seemed nice enough talking to me
I wish I knew what I was gonna see
I should have been prepared I've seen if before
but I wasn't prepared for what was in store.
As I undraped his back to start
what I saw stopped my heart
it was a cluster of moles lining his spine
It would have been ok but it was a special kind!
It was moldy moles what more can I say?
My eyes got big, I didn't want to stay.
But I just kept going cringing inside
I'll be honest I almost cried!
I finished the massage like I always do
the whole time wondering why I went to massage school?
Now you all know what I go through every day
So if you see a moldy mole stay away!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Breaking down walls!

So I had the craziest week ever! Well crazy and amazing! I think in like 72 hours I slept like 9 hours! Yeah crazy! But really good! I wrote a post a while ago about not being to open up to people when I know they are leaving soon. And thank you all for your advice. It's really helped alot. Anyways one of my friends parents were at girls camp this week and she had to work so she couldnt go. She didnt want to sleep at her parents a lone so she just came and stayed at my apartment with me and my roomate. Well we were talking one night just in the living room and it was so good. I have to really trust someone for me to open up at all. Anyways we talked till 6:30 in the morning! Bah lol. It was really good though. Anyways then the next night we had earwigs everywhere downstairs. It was actually really really freaky. They gross me out. They have like this nasty pincher things for like their tails ew its nasty. Anyways so instead of her sleeping on the couch with the earwigs she just slept in my little twin bed with me. lol. I didnt know how little my bed was ha ha. Anyways it was probably the best thing ever though. We were just up talking and talking and I dont know what my problem was. I just started blurting out all my feelings to this poor girl. Like things I have never told anyone. I just layed there talking and bawling for like an hour! It was crazy lol. Cause I really dont cry that much! And I was just like out of control. And usually when this happens the person I am talking to has no idea what to do. And then I feel really stupid for opening up at all. But this time was different. She didnt say sorry she didint try to fix my life she just simply hugged and listened! It was so amazing. I feel a lot better. I was talking to my bishop like a week ago and he brought some stuff up about marriage. I kind of expressed to him that I know I am almost 22 but I am not living my life wishing I was married. And that I wasnt sure if I was even ready. He assured me I was ready and mature enough but asked me why I thought that. So I kind of explained to him some things I felt like I need to work out before I got married. All of them being emotional reasons. So he challenged me to start working on them. I feel like this week was a huge part of that. I have a lot more to work on but I am slowly slowly breaking down the walls I have built and kept up for so long and it is an amazing feeling. So thank you to my friend you are amazing and I am thankful that you let me just spill my guts to you! Thank you so much!
Anyways the fourth of july was great! We drove up to twin so see heather and it was a lot of fun! Zach was going crazy with all his fireworks. It was so funny and awesome! Thanks Zach! And heather the food was great! I always love going to twin cause heather feeds me so good! Thanks Heather! And I had a ton of fun with the girls Mallory and Sydney are the cutest girls ever! Love them! Sydney thinks my friends bridgets names is Midget lol I dont know why that is so funny. But I explained that her name was Bridget like a million times and then when we were leaving Syd said by midget ha ha! Anyways I love you guys! Thanks for letting me and Bridget come hang out with you guys!

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Is it totally pathetic that I am keeping count??
Yes Yes I know it is but who can blame me??
But really today there is only 6 months left!
I'M EXCITED!!!!!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Bowling with my pals!!!!!!!!!

So after institute the other night we went bowling! And we didnt even have to pay for it! Institute did! They spoil us a little! Anyways it was probably the the best bowling game ever! I had more fun then I've had in a long time! We were really hyper! We even had a dance for when someone got a spare and when someone got a strike! Everyone thought we were insane but we didn't care cause it was so fun. And because we were so hyper it brought up opprotunities with a friend to talk about happiness and the church! So it was a good thing! Here are some pictures! I stole them from bridgets facebook! Thanks bridget!

Me and bridget drinking the two best drinks in the whole world! Mountain Dew and dr.pepper!

Alexis Bridget and I taking a breather after a intense game of bowling lol

Bridget and I oh I love this girl!

Bridget bowled between my legs! It was so scary! I think she got like 1 pin ha ha ha!

This is a picture of our spare dance lol! These are three of my favorite people ever Alexis Bridget and Hailee!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

One more thing!

So I just wanted to talk more about mine and bridgets walk! So bridget is trying to help me talk better. Because I am really bad at it lol! And that is one of the things that in the next six months I want to really work on and get better at. Anyways I did ok on the walk. So thanks bridget for listening to me and being patient! Love your guts girl! And if anyone needs to clear there mind take a friend and go walk the greenbelt! Changes your life! LOVE IT! After writing a post the other week and reading people feed back it's made me really really want to try to trust people and let them help me. So thank you guys for your cooments back the other week! Because it is true heavenly father send people to us and wants us to use them! I am so thankful for that!

Member Missionary??

So I'm babysitting tenley and since the backyardagains are on and she is glued to the tv I thought it would be a good time to tell everyone about me week. I'm trying to blog more. Even if no one reads them I atleast write it down sort of like a journal. Cause I am really bad at writing in my journal. So this can just be my journal lol. So this week has been great but crappy and interesting at the same time. It started out weird. Sunday was good I love church and all but I was thinking about nolan all day. He went to visit my grandma and grandpa jones and elise last week cause he was only like 10 minutes from them but was getting transferred. Anywyas he said some thing to my grandma that really made me think. I had some good discussions with some of my friends about it. And after everyones advice I decided that for the next 6 months me and nolan need to focus on ourselves and what we are doing in our lives right now. So I wrote him and told him how I felt and that I felt like we need to not write for the rest of his mission. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done cause I enjoy writing him each week and look forward to his emails each week. But he is amazing and agreed that that would be a good idea. So we decided he would call me when he got home but other then that the only contact we'll have is like a package every couple months like only for birthdays. Anyways I was a little sad at first. But I think it will be good. So then yesterday was a pretty good day. Work was work as usual but then me and my friend bridget decided we wanted to go on a walk. A really long walk! She says I'm gonna be at my goal weight just from our walks together. We walked for a good 2 1/2 hours. And it was amazing to just walk and talk! Thanks bridget! You're the best! Then we had institute which was amazing. After institute the whole institute went bowling. They rented out the bowling alley for us and oh my gosh it was so fun! I got just a little hyper! Bridget and Hailee make me hyper! We were like running and screaming and laughing and drinking dr pepper and mountain dew. Some how I still managed to bowl a 148 ha ha! But the best part is that my friend Becca came! She is an investigator and has been coming to Family Home Evening sometimes. But she has turned me down for every other activity. But she actually came this time. I dont think she had ever seen my hyper and was just laughing at me. After we were done and we left she text me thanking me for inviting her. And said she hadnt had so much fun in a long time. And said she loved how happy I always am. So I took that as oh you want to be happy? lol so I text her and told her that the church is what makes me happy and asked her if she wanted to come to church with me. And she said yes! She Said YES!!! She only has one skirt so I am taking her skirt shopping on saturday! I'm excited! I just cant wait! I will blog about it after we go! I hope and pray she doesnt back out because she is getting ready to hear the most improtant thing she will ever hear! And if she is willing it will change her life for the better forever! I love our church and I am so thankful for it!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Happy Birthday MOM!!

So today my mom would be 48. I made a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting and brought it over to rachelle! Anyways I just want everyone to know that I love my mom and I am so thankful for the time I had to know her. She was an amazing example that I still live by. I feel very blessed and thankful to be able to have her as my mom!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Thought of the day!

So I have a lot of time to think while I give massages. Most people dont talk so I just have time to "meditate". I woke up in a weird mood this morning. I had had a conversation last night that was really deep and good for me. It just got late and I got tired so we didnt finish the conversation and it left me thinking. So needless to say I woke up thinking of the conversation. And It made my whole day like off. But now that the day is over and it is almost time for bed i've decided what my ultimate thought of the day is. It's that life sucks. It sucks sometimes. The lord gives us little speed bumbs in our life and it sucks to get over them. But he also sends people to give us that little extra push so we are able to get over them. Even if those people are only in our lives long enough to push us over thats it then they are gone I am thankful the lord sends those people. I dont open up to many people. Because what is the point when they have to leave soon to like school or mission or whatever it may be. And I have been told to not make my problems other peoples problems. But sometimes I need to just get it off my chest. So I have a question. How do you find that happy medium of needing to talk to someone but not to the point that it makes it their problem? And how do you open up when you need to even when you know whoever it is you are talking to won't be there in a few months?? Any advice would help thanks!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Bored Babysitting Tenley!

So I figure that I could write a little while I babysit. Tenley is the best little baby. Well I guess she isnt little anymore. She's starting to walk. Infact she is trying to chase jack right now but just fell on her butt. lol. I will have to say that I have the cutest nieces in the whole wide world. I just love them all! I just am lucky enough to see tenley almost everyday. She finally gets excited when I come over and gives me the cheesiest smile! She is a cheese ball. Seriously! I was talking to Leah on the phone today and I was telling her how I dont have to try to make tenley laugh she makes me laugh. Then she laughs harder when I laugh! Rachelle you and scott have a goofy kid! So I my life has been crazy lately. Let's see. My dad came down. It was a fun little weekend. From running in the sprinklers with the girls to giving dad a massage at midnight. Needless to say that I hadnt told my dad I bought a car. I was a little scared of his reaction. I dont think he is very happy with me. Sorry dad! But I promise I can afford it! Then I called my work and they were nice enough to let me come to work late so we could go play raquet ball early. My dad is so good! She are you scott! I just plain out suck lol. I'm a bat kind of girl not a racket. Needless to say dad and scott played eachother and I just stood there trying to dodge the ball so I wouldnt get hit. And yet somehow I was still sore the next morning! That's weird! But it was a fun weekend. Well and I guess since the word is out I'll post a picture of my car! BAH! I BOUGHT A NEW CAR! It's an '09 pontiac vibe! And I love every bit of it. The seats fold down so my massage table slide right in. Which is why I was gonna get a truck. But this gets way better gas mileage and is way cuter. I've loved the three free months of xm radio but three months is just about up. Sad day! Anyways I have loved it and so have my friends! Atleast I think. A certain friend on a mission thinks they are ugly! Poor guy lol cause he's might have to drive it! Next well I moved into a new apartment. Not new it is really old but new to me. lol. But the two girls I was living with are moving out. One got into dixie state the other one is moving home. I'm not sure what i will do yet. I think I might have found a girl to room with. Rent is cheap though so it ok. I'm also staying in my singles ward. I met with the bishop of the ward that I am supposed to be in and he told me to pray about it. And i did and feel like I need to stay in my old ward for atleast the summer. Which already I have seen reasons why. I've met new friends there lately who have helped me out a lot. Who would have thought an 18 year old just graduated senior could have such good advice and help me in life! Me Vanessa who is the queen of advice for people. Once again I was talking to leah about my friend Bridget today. I never thought someone so much younger then me could help me so much. Leah laughed really hard when I said that Bridget and my other amazing friend Hailee have so much energy and sometimes is wears me out. Love it though! Leah just couldn't believe that someone could wear me out. lol! Anyways I am so excited for this summer. Lots of fun coming with all my friends! BAH Bridget and Kira I am so excited! We've already done some crazy stuff. One of my favorites is drive in movies! Love it! Another is we drove to oregon on saturday just cause I had never gone! We ate in a town right on the border and sadly I got food poison! But I am all better now. Needless to say I am not a big fan of oregon! Then monday we decided to make a music video! I am so excited to see it. One of our guy friends is editing it. Dont worry I will post it. I'm excited for this crazy summer. Yesterday I was giving a massage and I looked up to the clock and it has the date on it and realized yesterday was June 4th. Which meant it had been 1 year since nolan left for his mission! Crazy how time flies. So all together he has served 17 1/2 months. Time is flying by. The other day I got a note in my work file asking if I could meet with the clinic manager. I was a little nervous at first. But she was really happy when I walked in and kept commenting on my hair so I was like few nothing bad lol! Anyways she asked me to be on of the three clinic therapist assistants. I was shocked cause I am one of the youngest therapist. I just work hard cause I love my job! But I'm excited for this position! I gave my first practical today. Which basically is a free massage for me from a therapist who has passed the verbal interview. I was so nervous until I realized that the girl was more nervous then me. Then I realized wait I already have the job she's the one trying to get it! lol! Made it a lot better! It went really really well. Anyways I am really really honored to be one of the three they picked! Hard work pays off! Well now that I have written a book I'll post some pictures!

This is tenley right now. I changed her diaper and she stole it from me and this is the face she made when I asked for it back. Oh I love her! Here is my car. Pretty much exact! I think mine might be a little darker. But mine has the spoiler and tinted windows! Love it!So I dont know if I should clame these two girls lol! This is at the drive in the other week! This picture cracks me up. We are stuffing our freakn faces and laughing out butts off. That seems to happen with us three togther. Bridget is on the left and is one of my favorite people in the whole world! Only known her for like a month too! Love ya bridget! And then Kira is on my right! She's just about the best roomate I could ask for. I've loved our late night runs and our funny burst of laughter! I'm gonna miss living with you! Love you Kira!

Monday, May 25, 2009


So I just put up a new song. It's called thinking of you by Katy Perry. She is freakn weird but I like some of her songs. This one being one of them. It's just sort of how I feel. I havent blogged in a while so someday I will add some more pictures. Anyways sunday was like the worst day ever. First I found out the guy I dated over the summer was engaged. I tried to take a peak at the girls ring but had no luck. I dont know why it bothered me cause I have zero feelings for him its just weird. Then I got told that me and my roomates dont live in ward boundaries anymore and have to start going to a different ward. And they are releasing me from my calling. Yeah it made me really sad. And then I got an email and found out one of my friends was in a car accident. The friend is fine but it just was a bad day to find that out. So me and my roomate and one of my friends went on a walk last night and it really really helped. I love idaho and the weather here. They have green belts made to just walk or ride your bike all through the town. So it was fun to go on a sunday walk and actually have it be really green and beautiful. Today has been good.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Single Adult Prom!

So we had Young Single Adult prom this weekend. Since the boys in our ward were lame and only like 3 boys asks dates a group of us all went. It was fun to get all dressed up cause I hadn't done that for a while. But it was fun cause we danced the night away. I loved it! Anyways here are some pictures!
Here's us girls! Super fun!

Alexis snapped a picture of me doing the worm! lol Everyone loved it cause I was in a formal ha ha!

So we decided we went to the dance to find our Eternal Companion and what do you know my friend Paul was wearing a tie that matched my dress! lol! Can you say Eternity! JK

Here's our group! Los of fun!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Things I love and Things I hate about my job!

Things I hate:
2.Stinky feet
4.Clients who don't speak English
6.Old men that relax too much(if you know what I mean)
7.Bad Breath
9.Giving a 2 hour at 8am!
10.Little tips!

Things I love:
1.Nice hours
2.Pretty good pay
3.Not having to wash my own sheets or provide my own lotion
4.One free massage a month!
5.Every other massage just 20 bucks an hour!(that is for me to get a massage)
6.Funny clients
7.Requested clients
9.Getting rid of a clients headache
10.Finding a trigger point and helping it release!
11.Hugs from clients when they feel better
12.Listening to clients brag about me to the front desk girls!
13.Changing a clients lifestyle for the better!

I actually love my job! Being a massage therapist is very very rewarding! But can sometime be nasty! It's a good thing I can stomach a lot! lol! But I'm very very fortunate to have such a good job. I plan to work as a therapist for a long long time! And in Rachelle's words family gets massages for Free Ninety Free! lol! So family let me know if you want a massage!!

Friday, April 10, 2009


So today hasn't been the greatest day. I woke up after pushing my snooze 3 times so I rushed to get ready for work. I went and turned my car on to let it warm up before I drove it. And when I went to get in it to leave for work all I could smell was gas. So thankfully my dad thought I was a boy when I was younger and taught me a little about cars. So I left the car on and popped the hood to see if I could see a gas leak. And what do you know there was one. So I hurried and turned the car off so I wouldnt like blow up or anything. And then called rachelle to get a ride to work. Thankfully she was able to come get me and take me to work. Then work was annoying. My first client was cool but then my second client was like 10 minutes late. Which is freakn annoying. Then one of the front desk girls who is so annoying pulled me aside and tried to make me go the full time on the client who was late even though I was ready on time he just came late! I was annoyed and of course just because she said I should give him the full time I didn't. Ha. I'm a brat but it's annoying when clients are late. Anyways then my 3rd client was cool. He's a regular and talks sports with me. So it fun. But then they switched my schedule around cause a therapist was refusing to do a 1 1/2 hour pre natal massage. So they decided to give it to me. Which is fine. i don't mind giving pre natals even though they are sorta boring. But the lady was all grumpy and telling me what to do. Which annoys me too. Anyways she wanted me to go deep on her even though she was pregnant. I told her I would but then didn't lol I am so mean. But she loved the massage and so yeah! Anyways then over a text I was told that someone thought I was dumb. OH well right? It wouldnt bother me if I wouldnt have already had a bad day or if it wasnt coming from someone who I really wish to someday be friends with. Anyways then I got home and scott helped me take out the part of the car that was leaking. Now I am just chilling waiting to go hang out with friends. Hopefully my day gets better!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Moving out!

So I have been living with like 5 to 6 other girls for the last 18 months. It has been a really good for me and really fun. But it was just time for me to move out. I'm saving up to buy a truck by hopefully my birthday at the end of august and so that is my motivation for moving out. I'm living with rachelle now and it is super fun! I love tenley!! And what do you know I've gotten a lot more sleep lately! Which is a blessing cause I was having a hard time staying awake at work some days. Anyways I am gonna post a picture of the truck I want so everyone needs to keep me motivated!